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Bathing Water Status for Fordingbridge

Help us protect our unique and precious River Avon

Community Consultation

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Our Aim

Designation will help protect this vital resource for all, ensuring all water users have the information needed to safely enjoy the site.


View water quality data here


About FAB

Fordingbridge Avon Bathers (FAB) is a group made up of river users from in around Fordingbridge, led by the Fordingbridge Greener Living Group. We came together in June ‘23 with the specific purpose of working with Fordingbridge Town Council to obtain Bathing Water Status for our fantastic section of the River Avon at Fordingbridge Recreation Ground.  This has been made possible with the generous support of Surfers Against Sewage.

Take Action

The Hampshire Avon

The Hampshire Avon is a globally rare chalk river, and home to a diverse range of species.  It has the highest level of protection possible in England, bring a Special Area of Conservation (SAC) and Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI).  Despite this level of protection the river is failing to meet good or favourable status, and despite improvements since the 1990’s we feel more needs to be done.  The impacts of climate change and population growth are putting more pressure on our river, and we need to be doing everything possible to monitor and improve it’s health.

Why Bathing Water Designation?

Bathing Water Designation creates waterways where the water quality is regularly monitored for its effect on human health, and legal obligations are put on polluters to address the issue. Bathing Water Designation shines a light on polluters and ensures action is taken to improve water quality.

Once a waterway is designated as a bathing water the Environment Agency are obliged to test the water quality throughout the bathing season (15th May to 30th September) and then categorise the bathing water annually at the end of the season as ‘Excellent’, ‘Good’, ‘Sufficient’ or ‘Poor’. The local authority must display information at the site to inform the public on the water quality during the bathing season. This allows the public to make an informed decision on whether they use the water.

Government agencies are obliged to investigate the sources of pollution and take measures to improve the water quality if the bathing site receives a Poor or Sufficient classification. 


The creation of over 600 coastal bathing waters around the UK has led to 98% of these beaches meeting minimum water quality standards, up from just 27% in the 1990s. Now, the same action must happen for rivers. Find out more on the Protecting Wild Waters website.


Why Fordingbridge?

Fordingbridge is a popular town in the New Forest District of Hampshire, and the River Avon is the lifeblood of the community here.  There is a long history of recreation on the river dating back to the 19th century when a popular regatta was held on the river all the way up to the early 20th century.  Much of the river Avon is in private ownership and managed as paid recreational fisheries, as such the opportunities for members of the public to interact with this fantastic resource are limited.  The recreation ground provides a rare and valuable resource for the community, where they can paddle, swim, canoe and fish or maybe have a picnic and go for a walk.  The benefits of interacting with our green and blue spaces have never been more important, with proven mental and physical health benefits.  By getting Bathing Water Status we will help inform water users on the risks of using the site, as well as protecting and improving the quality of the river.

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